The Primal Blueprint (2016 Edition)

Book cover of The Primal Blueprint (2016 Edition)

Author: Mark Sisson

Rating: 5/5

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Finished: Yes

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Tags: Primal, Health & Fitness, Diet

A tome of a book but absolutely worth the read. Mark compellingly lays out an alternative to the destructive health advice given to us by organisations.

I particularly like the way he breaks down into 10 “Primal Laws” that aren’t just about eating but cover sleep, fun, the mind and avoiding mistakes.

Another win from the Primal approach is the focus on enjoying a new way of life rather than setting goals. This is what sets it apart from a lot of other health books. The aim of it is to introduce you to a new way of doing things, not hitting some arbitrary weight.

My only critique would be that some chapters can be very long. They aren’t filler but they also go a bit more in-depth than I think the reader needs. To balance this out Mark does provide summaries and asides which are helpful.

I’ve started adopting a Primal lifestyle & diet and I am already seeing the benefits!

Favourite Highlights

It’s as simple as this: if you have excess body fat, it’s directly reflective of the amount of insulin your produce from your diet combined with your familial genetic predisposition to store fat.

Pg. 107

And all of us who move frequently will elevate our health and fitness status out of the narrow competency of being able to perform magnificent atheltic feats and into the realm of being truly healthy, functional and poised for longevity.

Pg. 320

All work and no play makes for a dull boy, but all play and no work makes for a foreclosure.

Pg. 386

In the workplace, the mismanagement of information overload from email, text, instant chat, and the like–all available on mobile devices to boot–can stifle creativity and innovation, not to mention diminsh our energy levels, motivation and health.

Pg. 407-408

No offense, but America looks like one giant yard of fattened cattle ready for slaughter.

Pg. 469

It’s simply no fun to predicate your happiness on whether you reach your goals. Failing to reach your goals will lead to disappointment and dwindling motivation levels.

Pg. 476

Once you discard unnecessary goals that are mentally and emotionally stressful, you can focus your attention on process-oriented goals. Goals such as having fun, aligning workout choices with energy levels, and tackling new endeavors should define your exercise mentality.

Pg. 477